
Do you read for fun? I do sometimes. When I wanna read something lighter for laughs, I open books from David Sedaris who is a Humor Essayist. His writing is funny. Some of his humor essays generate laughter on a deeper level, touching readers’ hearts. All topics are around his daily life. It’s like reading his story-like diary or journal. And it’s a fucking funny one.

I first read David Sedaris’s book Me Talk Pretty One Day and find him hilarious. And this month I read his latest book Calypso and find it both funny and sentimental. He writes about his family, his boyfriend, and laughs at himself as always. The difference is that they have become old and some are gone. Dead, to be exact.

Fear of getting old

I think of my mum a lot when I’m reading David’s book Calypso. When I look at my mum suffering from headaches or all sorts of age-related pain, I feel sorry and sad for her. And thinking about how should she enjoy the rest of her life. Meanwhile, I feel hopeless about the future aging me. We’re born to die someday. How tragic the truth is. I start to feel I’m decaying.

I notice my subtle decay from the shrinking of my energy level, from the growing belly fat, and from David’s book Calypso. It reminds me that I will be in late middle age as him if I’m lucky to continue living for a few more decades. As I’m getting old, I have new needs. Needs that I set for myself to combat aging. I need to work out 30 mins a day to stay healthy and I need antioxidant superfood. An apple a day and low cabs diet every day.

Before I can stop my belly from growing bigger, I need to change my fashion style a bit to cover that. Loose-fitting clothes have become my new fashion style. I’m not sure how far my belly can grow but I’m sure I look like I’m pregnant for 3 months now. When I do the daily crunches – bicycle crunch, reverse crunch, vertical leg crunch – in the hope of getting my flat belly back, I doubt if these crunches are doing the real work. But I do it anyway. Because I want to feel something, especially muscle pain in my core. This makes me feel alive and less back pain.

Speaking of pain, I can still feel it at my ankle which hinders me from doing any intense exercise. I can imagine I will be frailer when I get older, so I have an urge to try all the sports I want to do. Such as tennis, surfing, pole dance, and a lot more. Can you see I fear losing my agile movement and fertility already in my thirties? I have a deep thought about how to live the second half of my life. I’m aware that I spend lots of time planning the future instead of enjoying the present moment. I can’t help it. I need to plan, otherwise, I don’t know what to do next.

People watching on the beach

In the book Calypso, David mentions his beach house a lot where his family spends time together. That reminds me of the beach time in October 2020. The beach has all sorts of people who enjoy water sports, a good vibe, and dirty sands.

Bikini with block heels

Fashion is important to some people and it’s their identity. When I see a bikini girl wear block heel sandals while playing stand up paddle, I respect and even admire her for keeping her style wherever she goes. More important, her stability is amazing. I don’t see her shaking or going to fall when waves are coming. She keeps calm and paddle on.

Gay couple

It’s rare to see a young gay couple on the beach. I’m surprised to see one pair. They’re rare, like hard-to-find arctic hares. They’re not the hot type, but the cute type with chubby cheeks. Holding hands and walking along the beach. I can feel their sweet love by only watching their back.

Baby Twins

I don’t expect babies to go surfing. At this way-too-young age, babies should be drinking their mum’s milk. Yet, a parent puts a pair of baby twins with little life jackets on the surfing board and bring them out to the ocean. Being cute is babies’ survival skills but it’s useless in water. One of the twin babies got wiped out and screaming like hell. Their mum picks up the lost baby and puts back onto the board as nothing has happened. The baby twins double the cuteness in the sea.

Surfers and dog

I spot two hot guys at the wavy zone. Even their dog is hot! They take turns to take care of their dog while they go surfing. Hot surfer A is tanned and he wears a never-get-drown black cap. His cap drops a few times into the waves while surfing but he manages to get it back every time. Hot surfer B plays with the dog while watching his friend surfing. I’m watching too. His dog shakes itself dry and makes me wet.

Happy reading!

attitude audiobook awareness caitlin moran craft creative writing creativity empathy femimist feminism funny generous give give and take giver giving goals happiness happy happy reading how to be a woman how to write humor inspiration learned optimism memoir optimistic personal finance perspective positive positive attitude positive psychology reading relationship robert greene self aware self awareness self improvement style of writing the elements of style woman writing writing skills writing tips yoga

70 thoughts on “HUMOR ESSAY

  1. Very informative post on humor; yet such knowledge comprising some additional facts of life grounded wisdom and understanding in tune the wonders and beauty of nature!

  2. I love Sedaris! He has a knack for being very relevant at the same time as hilarious which I think a lot of “comedic writers” sacrifice in favor of easy jokes. Two funny books I’m reading now which I highly recommend are Perfect Sound Whatever by James Acaster and Ayoade On Ayoade by Richard Ayoade (in which he interviews himself).

  3. I’m glad to have found your blog. I love Sedaris and have read most of his books but not this one so thanks for the review. I will definitely check it out. Also wanted to let you know that at age 60, life is still pretty terrific. I’d rather be 40 but I’m filled with gratitude nearly every day. I’m keenly aware that the time left is limited and there are far too many things that I want to do that I won’t be able to realize. Perhaps this makes me appreciate each day much more than I did when I was younger and makes me strive to make the most of my remaining time. That said, I still am in good health which no doubt affects my outlook.

    1. Hey Carol! Thank you for sharing with me how you think and feel about life. I appreciate your grateful attitude ❀ You have encouraged me to live fully no matter what age I am. I feel motivated to make the most of my time! Love your lovely feedback. Big Cheers! ❀

  4. It’s not that bad getting older. Who says you have to become big and collect fat/ I’m still wearing some of clothes I have sewn for me 30 and even more years ago. Those are gowns and one-of-a-kind outfits.
    Spending time in fear of getting old and being afraid how that changes one, is futile.
    I suppose we just keep going and stay moving.
    It was interesting to read your beach observations.
    I’m not close to any beach, and our winter has already started, so, yes, I feel slightly envious about people, who can spend time on a beach.
    Great post!

    1. You’re a good example of embracing change gracefully! ❀ You're right, keep going. πŸ™‚ Beach is nice and I miss it. It's getting cold here too!

  5. I’m a fan of David Sedaris too. Humor essays are fun to write and therapeutic. The key is sharing a topic or experience that others can relate too and making it fun. Thanks for visiting my blog. I also did a couple of readings for Tales From the South that are on YouTube that you might find amusing.

    1. Totally agree on “Humor essays are fun to write and therapeutic. The key is sharing a topic or experience that others can relate too and making it fun.” ❀ Love your sense of humor! πŸ˜€

  6. Ooh, I’ll definitely look into this author!
    You know, I dont really think we are born to die. We are born to live, but a flame that sparks so bright was never meant to last. We are all sparks of fire and we dance for a while and then we blow out. We are here to live, no matter for how short of a time, and we have to live.It seems daunting because we never know when we’re going to die, and old age compromises those last few years, but I think that’s why we have to burn brighter, because who knows if we ever will again
    I have to say I sympathise with you, because getting old is never a good thing. I would like to say I know, but I’m hardly old.
    Anyhow, I will look into Sedaris, being that I love books, and I love reading. Thanks for this post πŸ’™

    1. Thanks Cherry for your positive outlook! ❀ I love your rhythmic quote :"I would like to say I know, but I’m hardly old." Brilliant! Hope you'll have some laughs while reading Sedaris πŸ˜€

      1. He’s a funny guy for sure – I nearly finished it now, I pick it up and put it down, so I read It during the year, it was an xmas preset – so I have little bites and nibbles out of it! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

  7. I love Sedaris too. I bought Calypso for my Cousin’s birthday and also got a copy for myself from the library. I feel that he’s getting a bit sad about life and this book wasn’t as enjoyable for me. Especially some of the barbs exchanged between himself and Hugh. I like his earlier stuff – When You are Engulfed in Flames is a good one (and yes, Me Talk Pretty One Day).
    LOL @ His dog shakes itself dry and makes me wet.

    1. Yes I agree and I can feel the sadness from Calypso too. Though he tries to make tragedy into comedy, I feel bad anyway. I read Me Talk Pretty One Day and I like it too! His earlier work is definitely happier. Let me try to read When You are Engulfed in Flames. πŸ˜€ Haha I’m glad you laughed! ❀ I love that.

  8. He sometimes comes to the bookstore near me (in Berkeley) and a woman at the store told me that he always goes to this weird little store (its like a junk / curiosity shop for rich people) whenever he visits. Hope you enjoy Engulfed if you read it. I just finished Just Like You by Nick Hornby – I think you’d like it πŸ™‚

    1. Haha good to know there’s a weird little bookstore near you! Will check out Just Like You later. Thanks for sharing @jkaybay !<3 I love recommendation. πŸ™‚

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