Listen to audiobook

CreativeDoing personal finance



What are the advantages of listening to audiobooks?

No more still reading

Let me start with a “still” sentence for you to read: I just tried 30-Day Free Trials of Amazon Audible and saved some money by registering and immediately getting two free audiobooks of my choice. Ok when you read till here, I believe you are a patient person, which is a good thing. If you’re also a curious person, you would go on reading till bored. Alright, here’s the thing. As I’m learning how to invest so I get an audiobook which is highly recommended by many personal finance bloggers who are Financially Independent and Retired Early (FIRE)! The magic book is The Simple Path to Wealth: Your Road Map to Financial Independence and a Rich, Free Life (a way-too-long name). Another audiobook I get is about how to invest less: The 80/20 Investor. With the insights from these books and the FIRE community, I learned how to invest well and live frugally or creatively (they manage money in a different way) in theory. Yes, in theory so far. I’m trying to practice so will let you know when I catch FIRE.

Anyway, back to the point. The whole new way of listening to books simply saves me some space storing physical books. And the most amazing thing is that reading becomes so mobile. Anywhere. Anytime. I can read when I’m walking, running and doing work out. It’s totally worth trying! Just check out Audible and get two free audiobooks.

Audiobooks free my eyes

It was totally awesome that it frees my eyes! I can listen to books in one hour’s commute to work without exhausting my eyes. It’s great for anyone who needs to watch computer screen for the whole day.

Happy reading listening!